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Q:  Where is the best place to get information about the school?
A: The PVHS website in the Upcomihg Events or Announcements Section.
Q: How do parents and students make an appointment with a counselor?
A: Visit the PVHS Website, under the Student/Families tab select "Wecome to PVHS Counseling" from the menu and scroll down to "Counselor Messages 2023-2024" to submit a request.
Q: How do I request a schedule correction/error?
A: All request must be made using the Google Form ( it opens on the first day of school and closes in 10 days)
Schedule corrections will be considered for:
1. Graduation Requirements
2. A-G Requirement
3. Repeated Course
4. Gap in Schedule
5.  Misplacement
Remember: Only corrections will be considered, not a change due to preference (teacher, period, class, etc.) All classes are year long.  12-grade students must be enrolled in 5 courses.  You may request an off-campus with proof that you are enrolled in a Cabrillo Class, CTE off-campus, or have a job.  Please allow 2-3 days for requests to be processed.  
Q:  Who should I see if I have more questions about my academic record?
A: Use the "Counselor Messages 2023-2024" google form located in the counseling tab  under Students/Families Welcome to PVHS Counseling.  Counselors will respond within 48 hours or less.  They have limited availability during the first two weeks of schools and the last two weeks of the school year.  Contact an administrator if you have an urgent question.