English 1 (SDAIE)
English 1 (SDAIE)
English 1 (SDAIE)![]()
English 1 (SDAIE)
Title: English 1 SDAIE Course #: ENG100 Number of Credits: 10
English I SDAIE is a college preparatory course designed for English Language Learners who are at the Intermediate and Early Advanced levels of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English. English Language Learners in this SDAIE course cover the same essential California Common Core Standards for English Language Arts, and focuses on the analysis on non-fiction, particularly informational text, and of literature, including a variety of works representing the short story, poetry, drama, and selected novels. The class incorporates the study of grammar, academic vocabulary, composition, research, and multimedia presentations skills.
Placement Criteria: Teacher recommendation, ELS recommendation and/or ELPAC Test Scores