only the following reasons may excuse a student for not being in class:
- Illness: a doctor’s note may be required for extended illness.
- Quarantine: directed by a doctor.
- Medical, dental, optometry, or chiropractic appointment for treatment: elective treatment should be scheduled for outside of normal hours.
- Attending the funeral service of an immediate family member: funeral service absence will not be more than three days unless the service is conducted outside of California.
- Jury Duty.
- Absence to obtain required immunizations: if the absence is not more than five days.
- Court appearances: either as a defendant or as a subpoenaed witness.
- Observation of a holiday or ceremony of the student’s religion: with pre-approved written permission from the attendance office.
An absence may only be excused within 72 hours by a parent/guardian.
- the student’s name and ID number,
- grade level
- date(s) of absence
- reason for absence
- signature of a parent or legal guardian with date note was written.
Pajaro Valley High School is a CLOSED CAMPUS.
Students must have approval by note or phone call from a parent/guardian and a pass from the attendance office prior to leaving campus. Students that leave campus without a pass will receive an unexcused absence for the time that they are gone and the absence cannot be cleared.
Students who need to leave campus early for an appointment or other reason
must check out with the attendance office [Joana Gutierrez 728-8102, Ext: 3691.
Any student who does not check out in the attendance office will receive an unexcused absence for the time that he/she is gone.
After checking out, a student must leave campus immediately.
Students who become ill after arriving on campus and cannot walk to class,
must check out at the Health Office (Laura Campos (831) 728-8102 EXT. 3580).
Any student who does not check out in the Health Office will receive an unexcused absence for the time that he/she is gone.
After checking out, a student must leave campus immediately.
Homework may be requested by students and/or parents on the 2nd day of an extended absence or illness. Requests should be directed towards each teacher via email and/or a phone message. Students have two days for every one day of excused absence to complete their homework.
Absences extending beyond three days may require a doctor’s note. Students who establish a pattern of unexcused absences may be referred to a Student Study Team for assistance in improving their attendance.
Students identified as a “habitually truant” (after 18 or more unexcused period absences) may be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) for truancy mediation. The appropriate assistant principal will counsel the student, notify parents and administer disciplinary action as necessary.
Any concerns regarding student attendance may be resolved by one or more of the following methods:
- Contact the attendance office Joana Gutierrez 728-8102 ext.3691
- Contact the student’s counselor.
- Contact assistant principal.
It is possible for students to make up all or some of the accumulated absences by attending Saturday Schools in increments of four hours?