PVHS ELAC Leadership
PVHS ELAC Leadership![]()
PVHS ELAC Leadership
Isidro Rodriguez | (831) 728-8102 ex: 3595 | Assistant Principal |
Cecilia Fernandez | (831) 728-8102 ex: 3620 |
English Learners Specialist
ELAC Committee Members
ELAC Committee Members![]()
ELAC Committee Members
President: Maria A Virgen
Vice-President: Maria Teresa Amezquita
Secretary: Jessica Vasquez
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
WElcome to ELAC
WElcome to ELAC![]()
WElcome to ELAC
The English Learner Advisory Committee, ELAC, is established to promote a meaningful connection with the parents of English learner students (EL) at the school site. Every school with 21 or more EL students must offer the opportunity to establish an ELAC. The purpose of the ELAC is to advise the principal and school staff on programs and services for English learners and the School Site Council on the development of the Single School Plan for Student Achievement.
ELAC MOnthly Meetings
ELAC MOnthly Meetings![]()
ELAC MOnthly Meetings
In person at the PVHS Library
Dinner and childcare provided
En persona en la biblioteca de PVHS
Se ofrece cena y cuidado de niños